About FSWP


Friends of St Werburgh’s Primary (FSWP) is the school’s Parent Teacher Association. You automatically become part of this community when your child starts at the school, though it’s up to you to decide how involved you would like to be!

There is a FSWP Committee which is managed by a volunteer Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary and each year at the AGM all members of the FSWP community are invited to stand for these roles.

Friends of St Werburgh’s Primary is a registered charity (charity number 1185396).


We organise fundraising events at the school such as car boot sales, film nights, summer and festive fairs, cake sales, discos and much more.

All money raised via these events is invested into funding educationally enriching projects that the school would not otherwise be able to afford. Recently this has included subsidising experiences like Books at Bedtime, our annual Play Day and exciting school trips, and paying for resources such as playground equipment, library books and enhancements to the school buildings.

As well as raising much-needed funds, our fun social events aim to bring together and support our wonderfully diverse community of pupils, parents, carers, staff and neighbours. It’s a great way to make friends, for children and adults alike!


Please help FSWP raise as much money as possible for our wonderful school by supporting our events. This could be as simple as just coming along! Or you could distribute flyers, bake a cake, donate a raffle prize, help on a stall and lots more besides.

Parents and carers are welcome to attend FSWP Committee meetings where upcoming event plans and funding priorities are discussed. These take place at the school one evening every couple of months throughout the academic year (see ‘Fundraiser & Meeting Dates’ below for details).

Each year we recruit a team of parent / carer Class Reps who help promote our fundraising goals within the school community. If you are interested in this volunteer role, please see ‘Class Reps’ section below for more details.

Your ideas, skills, energy and time can make a HUGE difference to our fundraising success and all help is truly appreciated! If you would like to volunteer or help in some other way, please do get in touch.